Advanced Get and Transform, Chapter 4 Now Live!
Chapter 4 of the Advanced Get and Transform course is now live on Udemy.
The Advanced Get and Transform course covering the Mashup language has been updated, with more coming within the next few days!
Chapter 4's first two sections have gone live covering the Try and Otherwise statements for error catching plus how to use error and Error.Record to throw your own exceptions.
Paired with these lessons is a challenge that revisits one of the challenges from the introductory course - the Blackjack scoring query. In this challenge, the scorekeeper was less perfect and we need a scoring mechanism that will not break-down at the first sign of an error while giving us the necessary information to go back to the scorer and figure out what happened.
A few more sections are in the works for this chapter to be released as they meet my quality control standards.
All of our courses can be found on Udemy by following the "Explainly Courses on Udemy" link along the navigation bar.