Quick Tip: Web Scraping with Excel

Quick Tip: Web Scraping with Excel

This Explainly Quick Tip guides you through a quick way to scrape data off of certain websites.

Philip Trick

The entirety of this Quick Tip's functionality is encapsulated within a single Excel file. You can download the file from the following link and tinker with the query to get a better understanding of what's going on or deconstruct the query as you watch the video.

Quick Tips Simple Web Scraper.xlsx

More and more web pages are using more dynamic and feature-rich tools such as Javascript to create prettier table-like datasets. These can still be scraped using the PowerQuery toolset; however, they are a bit more challenging to navigate. Data Chant has an excellent series that goes through interrogating a card-based data structure using the Microsoft MVP search as a guideline that can be found at the link below.

Data Chant MVP Data Scrape

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