What are some of your most important assets?

What ultimately drives how successful you can be?

What will absolutely sink your company if left untended and uncared?

Your employees. They are the lifeblood of your business. They handle all of the day-to-day tasks that require doing. They understand the intricacies and challenges of the various bumps within the machine that is the company. They intersect, connect, clash, and struggle together as they perform their tasks and meet their goals.

Investment in your employees includes placing them in the right positions with the appropriate tools and knowledge so as to maximize both their sense of personal achievements and corporate success.

With the rate of change in technology, tools, and the challenges of keeping up with your business as it is, how can you identify the right technology, the right tools, and the right knowledge to assist your employees?

Explainly is here to assist you by helping you answer these questions:

1) What tools or technology could improve your employees' quality of life at work?

2) What processes and tasks consume inordinate amounts of time without generating appropriate revenue?

3) How does management analyze and evaluate performance and progress to identify challenges in the business?

The Explainly Solution

Our Explainly team consists of a series of experts within their technology fields who stay up-to-date on a wide variety of technological and software developments. What makes our team different is our ability to evaluate and apply these offerings directly to your business' unique challenges. In addition to our focus on technology, our team members have MBAs, financial analytical backgrounds, and direct experience integrating and teaching concepts directly with the users on the ground.

Further, we know that simply training an employee in how to do something does not bring that training into the workplace, so our training focuses around a three-pronged approach.

1) Employee skills training via self-paced coursework

The first prong is to expose employees to specific tools and skills that can assist them at work.

Our course authors are experts with their respective tools. In constructing these courses, we focus on applicable examples to make the curriculum approachable and informational. Our students come out of the courses understanding the concepts as well as having practical, real-world examples where they have applied them to create a solution.

We leverage our online courses as a college professor might leverage a textbook when designing your custom curriculum, assigning specific course lessons to specific people in anticipation for learning how to integrate it directly into their daily efforts.

Online courses offer a great combination of flexibility and value since they are available on demand whenever you and your employees have the time and can be viewed and reviewed as necessary. Our courses include life-time access so that your employees can refer back to the material on an as-needed basis.

2) Small group application sessions

Employees capable of using a new skill or piece of technology is only effective so far as it melds with their existing workflows. Existing workflows require connecting multiple employees and their tasks together, from sales to data entry to accounting to management, no employee's workflow is truly independent of everyone else.

For the second prong, Explainly prepares customized small group application sessions to bring a group of users together within a specific part of the process to talk, discuss, and identify ways to bring together and utilize the tools at hand. These guided sessions focus on an existing challenge that can be improved upon with a different approach or tools and guides the employees towards improving the process internally by opening discussion and showing how to coordinate their individual tasks to reduce friction and simplify their work, ultimately improving productivity.

These sessions will require your employees to prepare for each session by reviewing a set of curated lessons from our online courses before participating in a session where we guide them through improving an existing business process using those tools.

The lessons provide your employees with an initial review of the basic technology involved in the process and an example tied to their current workflow so as to see how it can be applied to their own circumstances. By breaking open their box and placing them together in a group setting, the comingling of ideas helps to encourage further development and innovation as they consider things that could be done better, things they wish they could do, and more.

3) Group coordination and integration

As each individual group improves and adjusts their processes, the impacts will often be felt across the entire company. With large-scale changes requires coordination across the variety of groups involved.

The third and final prong involves full group discussions to identify and discuss where those interconnections exist to tie the individual training and group application sessions together into a coherent story of individual and corporate growth and development.

The individuals and cohorts are pieces of a larger jigsaw puzzle. These large group discussions bring the pieces together to display the full picture to help each employee understand how their efforts contribute to the whole, open communication among cohorts to identify further opportunities, and encourage innovation and growth company-wide.

The cohesive whole becomes greater than the sum of each individual part and communication encourages creativity and expansion outside the scope of any individual or group task.

Your employees are your business.

With the proper training, skills, and know-how, your team will be energized, emboldened, happier, and more productive. By evaluating the existing workflow, Explainly's customized training will allow them to complete more in less time with direct guidance and suggestions for improvement.

Contact us today for a consultation to begin discussing your company's needs, goals, and challenges. We will help you identify the proper approaches and solutions to assist your employees in reaching their greatest potential.

Image credits:

unsplash-logoDavide Cantelli unsplash-logoStephen Philpott unsplash-logoVictoria Heath unsplash-logoThe Climate Reality Project unsplash-logoBrooke Cagle